
balance, baby!

Practical and down to earth: how to combine a busy lifestyle with a healthy lifestyle.. while having FUN


side site talk

Just me talking about making this blog

New look

Hey all,

Times are changin’. Well my life slowly is. It motivates and inspires.

(as from today I’m also studying to become a personal trainer!)

Felt it was time to change the look of this blog along with the rest. So here goes!

-under construction till the end of the week tho-

Thats all for now, have a great day!

"Believe you can & you're halfway there"
Just me at my favorite gym: Fit2000 The Hague

I’m back! -with some lessons

Hi, I’m back! Been gone for too long.. but as I said some time ago: I had decided it is okay to give yourself a break sometimes. Nobody told be to blog every week –well, nobody else but me.

I’ve had ups and downs like every other human being, busy with work and social life –building up my blog simply wasn’t the biggest priority on my list..

lesson #1 here: stay focused on priorities

and don’t feel bad for putting other things at the side for a while

But, however busy or sometimes down, my workouts never failed to make me stay positive about all, always! : )

lesson #2: Never stop exercising.

No matter how busy or low you feel. Workout GIVES energy in both body and mind..

it simply makes you feel goood (never see it as a ‘must do’- but rather as a stress relief and anti-depressant. ‘Cause it is ! ).

And well..  it makes you look fit too.. (love that pay-off!)

Meanwhile… Continue reading “I’m back! -with some lessons”

Taking a (tiny) step back.. can bring you 5 steps forward

crazy DIY
Me. Stressed. In ‘disaster DIY/building-mode’.

I’m right in the middle of a very busy period work wise. My workaholic drive tends to push in through October and goes on full-throttle up to February. It’s because I have most projects and assignments in these months (graphic design); meaning I have nearly 2  jobs at the same time to focus on. In the meantime I’m redoing my bathroom.. Well I’m not, the builders are doing most of it. You all know that means working and living in a disaster zone: scattered tools, boxes, dust, wood, tiles, plaster, plastic sheets, a paranoid cat and my own mess (cant be bothered to clean cause it’ll be a dusty dump the next day I come home anyway) scattered all around the house. Doesn’t make it easier to focus.

I guess ‘Miss Balance’ didn’t really plan this out well. Like last year, same period,  when I had my kitchen totally redone (guess ‘Miss Balance’ doesn’t always learn from her mistakes either ; ) ). Continue reading “Taking a (tiny) step back.. can bring you 5 steps forward”

Body Image –a very interesting topic.. and a new chapter

"Venus at a mirror", by Rubens (1577-1640).
“Venus at a mirror”, by Rubens (1577-1640)

Body Image..  While blogging I realized how body image is a very important topic between the themes of Diet and Fitness. With ‘body image’ I mean a lot of things: how we see ourselves, how we get influenced by the judgment of others upon ourselves, how commercial industries influence us, movies, celebs, barbies (but do they? ; ) ) –the list can go on and on. The influence the outside world has on our own views of how we see ourselves in the mirror is a popular topic for discussion.. and moral high grounds. It has been for a very long time.  Continue reading “Body Image –a very interesting topic.. and a new chapter”

Next step: Facebook!


I’m celebrating with a glass of Chardonnay (120 cals, lol).  I had my workout this afternoon, so I’m ok haha. Cheers to balance!

Let’s just do this… thing

After months of pondering and talking about this blog, I finally decided to just do it.

Well not really the way I wanted to, because I’m a perfectionist; I wanted it to be online when perfect..

I realized it will never be perfect. There things I want to sort out (I want this site to be bi-lingual, Dutch-English.. and I want to categorize my new posts* and do some more on the graphic/artwork),

but with my busy lifestyle, like most of you have, sorting that stuff out costs time -and I have other priorities.

So decided to just start now.. before this project is going to be like my house project (“it will be finished within the year… ok 2 years.. ok 3..  ..well fuck this shit”).

Im just going to do this thing, sharing it with the closest to start with. Lets see how this goes. Lets have some fun with it !!!).

BALANCE BABY on pilot mode!!!


*ah, ‘Categories’! -worked that one out already..

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