Bon appétit
Bon appétit

A busy week; no time for blog posts. But no matter how busy; skipping breakfast, lunch or dinner is never an option.

I love healthy, tasty AND fast, practical cooking. Save time, gain energy, while murmuring yummmmm : )

Figuring out what to eat during the day -something good, practical, healthy and satisfying- took me some time. I hardly have breaks at work. No time to prepare food. I prefer not to eat bread. And munching on apples and bananas all day really isn’t enough (and the school canteen is a sugary fat zone. Don’t get me started on unhealthy school-canteens, the whole concept pisses me off).

Bringing crackers and a box of salad (and a whole bag of fruit) to work works for me. There’s a wide variety of ‘healthy’ crackers to choose from; Whole wheat, spelt, knackebröt, Matzes, ricecrackers, etc. But stay away from the salads you can buy in the store; they’re packed with fats, sugars and e-numbers (chemicals/food additives). Just make them yourself. It’s so easy and so much better.

To make egg salad I use:

-4 eggs (enough for 2 small lunches or 4 snacks)

-0% fat mayonnaise or olive oil based- mayonnaise (healthiest option would be to make it yourself but.. that would be less fast and practical)

-0% fat yogurt


-black pepper and salt

(optional: mustard, lemon, chili/cayenne/bell pepper powder, tomato).

How to make:

Hard-boil the eggs, chop the chives, dice the eggs (cut out 2 of the yellows if you want to stay even lower on calories, but it will make the texture of the egg salad more fluid). Put the eggs in a bowl, add (more) yogurt and (less) mayonnaise until you get the density you like. Add some mustard or a few pinches of bell pepper powder (or chili/cayenne) if you want to ‘spice up’ your salad, or add a bit of lemon juice to give it a boost of freshness (I like it lemony in summer). Then add the chopped chives, salt and pepper.

I find tomatoes go really well with egg-salad : ).

OH! nearly forgot: this egg salad goes really well with avocado too. You can also add diced avocado to the egg salad itself to make it even more tasty and creamy!

Keep tasting through the whole process, don’t just throw everything in. Its why I usually don’t put down the exact measures of ingredients (unless it’s a baking recipe); adding more or less spices is literally a personal matter of taste.  

Also try egg salad with avocado and (spelt) krackebröt
Also try egg salad with avocado and (spelt) krackebröt